Why you should consider consigning

Collectors have many options when it comes to selling a few items or an entire collection

We believe that we offer an outstanding venue for your items

We offer unique services. Nobody else in the hobby provides:

1.     Free online auction catalog that provides up to 10 color digital photographs per item

2.     Our free online catalog has over 1,500 color images and detailed descriptions

3.     We will gladly sell your larger, bulky items that aren’t appropriate in a pure mail bid venue

4.     Scott is well known for being honest in describing items resulting in confident absentee bidders

a.      Our first non-internet auction had cumulative absentee bids in excess of $80,000

b.     Successive auctions have had an increase in Absentee participation

c.     We ship quickly from in-house - not a kid at the UPS store.

5.     We can find buyers both within the railroad hobby and we extend our advertising to the antique world

6.     There is no State sales tax in New Hampshire

7.     We have high & dry bonded (insured) storage at the new Brookline Auction Gallery facility

8.     We offer Live Online bidding and absentee bidding pre-auction.

We will pickup your larger consignments

We will ship internationally. We have 24 years experience shipping internationally

eBay no longer seems to be the venue of choice for buyers or sellers. Over time this has become an increasingly hostile environment for both buyers and sellers. Horror stories for both buyers and sellers seem to be the most popular discussion topic at shows and among collectors in general.


Frequently Asked Questions



What is a "Reserve"? Why do I care?


Some antique auctions have used a semi-secret technique called a "reserve." It is a secret value below which an item will not be sold, and the item is returned to the consignor if no bidder reaches the secret minimum. This way of doing business is hard on bidders as well as the auction house. We are trying to make this auction a buyers' experience. Without reserves all items will be sold with no secret minimum values.



Is it too late to consign items?


No, However we offer specialty sales and to properly catalog and advertise your items (maximum return) you should consign early. Plan 12 months in advance.



I have attended some of the Brookline Railroad Auctions. Will this one have a catalog? When can I get one?


 There will be a free online catalog with over 1,500 pictures. There will be a free internet based file with one line per item (really just a list and not a catalog) available weeks before the auction. We will also provide a printout at the auction hall.  



Why are there two web sites (www.TagTown.net and www.brooklineauctiongallery.com)?


Scott Czaja is the Sales Manager and is responsible for: getting consignments, prep & catalog work, answer collector questions.
Brookline Auction Gallery LLC will supply the auction facility including auction staff. Ron Pelletier, a licensed New Hampshire auctioneer will sell the actual items. Both Scott Czaja and Brooklilne Auction Gallery LLC  have other business activities that do not include each other. We are partnering on specific, live railroad auctions.



Do I have to attend in person or can I call in or mail a bid?


We will definitely accept "left" bids. All bids are held in strict confidence. You can leave bids with Scott Czaja or Brookline Auction Gallery. You will be responsible for shipping, handling & insurance costs. There may be some large or "awkward to ship" items. They will be flagged in the catalog. Large items can be picked up in Brookline.



Will there be internet bidding?


Yes, we are currently using a company called LiveAuctioneers and they offer absentee and live bidding. You’ll need to register and agree to the terms of this company. For in-house absentee bidding you have to fill out a form and list your bids using correct increment amounts. No peenies please!



Will there be phone bidding?


Yes, If you know that you will need to bid by phone, please schedule with us early. We insist on a hard opening of $500.00. This helps us know that you are serious. You will also need to "register" you so scheduling is even more important. We will also need to know what specific lot(s) you are interested in..



I am interested in consigning. What do I do?


Contact Scott Czaja. I will ask for a list of what you have. We need to manage the material already consigned with new consignments so that everyone has a chance to have their items featured. We have many collecting categories that fill up fast:  sczaja@hotmail.com



What commission do you charge for consignments?


This depends on: (1) how much you have, (2) the quality of what you have, (3) time to catalog (4) desirability of what you have. The rate 
which can include cleaning, packaging or other preparation work.



I can’t wait to the auction to sell my things. Will you buy my collection?


Yes. It helps if you have a list of what items you have. This way I can schedule a detailed evaluation.



Can I get on a list so I get updates on the auction?


Yes, I will bring a "sign up" sheet to shows. In addition if you send me an eMail with "brookline auction" in the subject line I'll put your email address into a distribution list. When major milestones are met, I'll notify you regarding what we are up to and how to get access to new pictures and other information. We also all have non-internet friends. If you know of someone who is not online, please eMail me their mailing address and I'll send out notices when the catalog is available or other important milestones have been met.



Will you accept left bids from Canada?


Yes. You would be responsible for paying in $US and you would be responsible for any duty
fees. All customs forms will be filled out with an accurate accounting.




Who are you?


I bought a switch key at a train show in 1972. I collected off and on for years and then got serious about collecting Railroadiana in the 1980s. I have been the New England Regional Vice President of the "Railroadiana Collectors Association Inc." since the mid 1990s. I have been a member of Key Lock and Lantern since the 1990s. I have been a member of various railroad historical societies for years. I have attended major Railroadiana shows since the 1990s. I have been a fulltime Railroadiana dealer since 2001.  I did mail-order sales in the 1980's. I have done detailed collection appraisals valued at $210,000 and $375,000. It is my goal to make this an auction by a collector and for collectors.


Feel free to contact Scott Czaja at: sczaja@hotmail.com

Copyright 2018 Scott Czaja